Friday, 20 March 2009


I missed the post :(
I made a list with everything that I have to do today on it ... maybe if I do this everyday I will stop to say'it's ok I'll do this tomorrow' I got lots done in fact, so there you go... it must work!
after tea staining my dust sheetesque fabric I put little strips of flowery fabric on them and frills ... it looks a whole lot better :) I fell a little better too ... although I'm not at all back to normal :( but I used lots of make up and photoshop to take my photos in two dresses that I will put in frames on my stall ... I have ran out of ink so I shall have to get them printed at that place up the street tomorrow on my way to the post office - I will catch it this time!
When Marina came back we went to the little shop at the end of the street bought some goods and came back home - ate salad and her famous (to me anyway) omelette with green stuff inside :) whilst watching Paris Hiltons BBF ;) funny ... and then Family Guy ... and then: off ... work to be done! ......... after a shower ......... yum

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