Friday, 18 September 2009

What a Day

Up early... knew I could do it if I tried. Walked down to Maria and Tiinas realising how nice it is to both get up early and to live close to your friends (and to other civilisation in general) We jumped on the bus and landed at the Slow Food Market (and even though I've been there I still couldn't tell you what exactly that means) on the South Bank an hour or so later... after a fun trip of looking out of the window at stuff with Matilda. Broody. A lot of stairs later we found the stalls which were filled with nuts, bread, wine and cheeeeeeeese. We bought some nibbles and mini bottles of wine and sat ourselves down a little wooden bench to eat and watch Matilda dancing with no shoes on, in a pretty white frock, eating a red apple looking like she belonged to the market.
That wasp wasn't invited.
And then we find the hidden DVD shop and I bought 'Tideland' which looks magical. More stairs. Then Tiina changes Fridas nappy in 3 seconds I think she deserves a certificate or medal ... hehe. On the bus Jo from Whitby Goth Weekend texts offering me a stall so I'm soooo excited for this Hallowe'en now, I told Stephanie straight away so we can mee up again to make pretties.
Back at home: Rich comes to visit me ... It's so funny how nearly everyone I know lives around this area walking distance. We go back in time again and gossip a lot about everything. I chase a spider. Then David calls - I go to meet him later, I drink too much wine, and as usual when this happens the rest of the nigh was a bit of a blur (with some interesing conversations had though that I did guess about, but didn't say until now, and turns out I was right: I wonder in how many ways it was all right?)
I'm sure we can still be friends. In fact if we can't stay friends I will be very sad; it's not nice to loose someone so lovely from your life completely ... especially when the half you lost you didn't actually loose, you just gave it back willingly.

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