Friday, 28 August 2009

Where did all those days go?

UF - this time warp is never ending.
Ok... so today my little bird friends kicked me out of my treehouse ... I looked again when the lights were on and it turns out that they are actually bats : big bats. And as you all know these bats aren't like normal ones, they are not at all fluffy - these are the kind that turn into birds when you least expect it - they are nice so your feahers don't get ruffled and then as soon as you trust them or show them even a litle bit of a beaked smile they turn in a squark and squeek out there vile little bat song ... that we can't hear of course because we are birds all the time.
In other words : all my stuff is in the living room, I don't know where I'm moving to and Lisa and Luna are taking over the bedroom as of tomorrow. It doesn't sound as magical when I write it like that ... that's why we should always live in fairy stories.
On a brighter note : David comes back from America tomorrow --- yeynesssss .... missed him a bunch *** Jacket potatoes a the ready soldier ... I'll bring the cheese grater.
I'm going to go into my make shift studio now (the kitchen) and make some necklaces to sell at the Maleficent show ... there will be less dresses and more small pretties because of all the kafuffle, but that means that the dresses that I do actually manage to get made will be more special ;)
'uf my stuffs in bags' .... 'get a grip' says brain.
Then it starts to thunder - this IS a fairy tale.

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