Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Am back ...

... from hibernation :) (new dresses will be in both my shops in the nest week)
Sooooo .... I've had so many conversations recently about this whole bisexual business... it's interesting, as I always thought I was a lesbian and now I feel as though I'm 'coming out' again. Most Lesbians I've met are not ok with this and I'm intruiged to find out why - It simply blows my mind! an-y-waaaaaay..........
I'm also wondering why it is that other people like to stick to their own stereotypes? it's odd, and makes me wonder if I do it too ... I hope not, am I a part of that group? I fall for people sometimes too hard and want to run away with them which in turn makes them want to run away from me, and then other times I switch off when some of them make me feel lost, then write about it after drinking too much wine - am I just acting out the stereotype of 'the writer'?? 'the creative individual'?? 'the fool for love'?? 'the fool'?????
Writers and Musicians shouldn't get on, so why do I end up falling for them all the time? sometimes by accident - I could meet them and not even know that they are one of them for weeks and then all of a sudden they pull out a guitar or harmonica or banjo or a cello from their back pocket ...
I also don't like it when people don't text me back - but that's another story. I'm going to write a chapter of my book now.... that will make me feel better.
Somewhere across the world is someone writing: 'Sailors and Ballerinas shouldn't get on... but I like the sea too much.'
Here is my picture dedicated to The Sea.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


So today was supposed to be my 'day of doing' but I seem to have brought back Le French Flu from Paris. So today has turned into my 'day of not doing much apart from sniffing, coughing and watching Planet Earth' ... I'm goi.ng to write some and then try to sleep it off. I will try to get my new Flutterbydaisy Finds and the Dresses from my Fashion Show online in a couple of days- when the sniffling and spluttering has had enough of me.... uf.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Marionette Obsessive in the Making...

I'm becoming obsessed with Vintage puppets and marionettes... I found a book in Oxfam, Camden, it's about Papier Mache and I'm well away: more hobbies, more new Flutterbydaisy things to sell in my little handmade shop. I'm going to start making them when I get back from Paris on Monday, give them pretty names, dresses and maybe houses to live in ... I will be seeking out more Fairytale Finds when I'm away too - I have a bag of them already at home waiting for their photo op and to be put online ... I'll do that when I get back too. Tuesday will be 'the day of doing' in my world :) all my shops will be full and what not, then I can start writing my book. More time: I have deleted my facebook, and am 'away' on MySpace so I have more time to be here and on my website ... which is the way it should be really. I like being here. I love that Spring is here too - the TV makes me laugh: 'Lambing Live', don't miss it folks... :)
Sooooo Paris in the morning ... can't wait! I'm taking my video camera and will be making a 'Rules of Attraction' inspired video diary... but with walking instead of sex, museums instead of prostitutes and hot chocolate instead of drugs. YEAH!
I found this cute marionette online here: http://www.jpgmag.com/photos/652999 ...
I'm going to go get in the Paris mood now with cute French film: 'Love me if you Dare' au revoir!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Covent Garden, Planet Earth

If I want to get up earlier I need to sleep earlier, so why am I here now? tomorrow I'm going to go on a mini search for Flutterbydaisy Finds ... as my other only have one day left in the auction. I should really put my Fashion show pieces in my etsy shop too - maybe I will also do that tomorrow, but right now I'm awake and writing and watching Planet Earth which makes me laugh and cry out loud all at the same time. I would love to meet David Attenborough. I bought it today from Fopp me and Stephanie went there for some much needed retail therapy and after my disapointing search for it at The Natural History Museum (because me and Maria became far too engrosed in the carrot cake the day before this) We also visited the two little mystery shops that have crystals and what not inside; Stephanie looks at home in these shops I think she should have one of her own. We ask for Kunzite but there isn't any ... there never is any anywhere, and it is the one I really would love to add to my collection (I eyed it for a good while in my favourite room at the museum, before we went to stare at the big chunk of tree) So then we have a rest in Cafe Boheme with wine and look at stuff and talk about everything. Theer's so much to look forward to; today I am feeling better. Later I couldn't resist the offer to go to see Alice in Wonderland with Maria ... it was awesome (Anne Hathaway is yum and we think should have married Alice at the end - that's the only thing we would change) ;) The White Queen really reminds me of someone. Then home and a happy Disney style ending for me too: I found a pretty chunk of Kunzite on Ebay. The End.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Awake and lit up, but gone

And she forgets it all, or rather can't think of any of it; it's all blank as she goes away..... again. She forgets her name and the faces of all those people, any people: him and her. The lights make her feel better as she understands how now those lights are the only things that are there, here, the only thing she can feel. If she wanted to - she could switch them off.
Today, I bought some cheese from Maria because all I wanted to do when I woke up was eat a cheese sandwich (more so than all the other times in the day when I want a cheese sandwich) Looking at each other was like looking into a mirror; we are both so exhausted, her with lack of sleep and me with I'm not sure what because right now it's hard for me to think... and if I knew you wouldn't need to know about it. Later because the film was sold out me and Tom went to The Diner and had yum burgers, with him I felt like me again. Then I went to The Big Red to have a drink with Julia and Shelley. I love them all a lot, and don't know what I'd do right now without any of them .... *
And so I find myself sitting here again at, whatever time it is... with strange TV on in the background. I'm going to write for a while and then I have to sleep : tomorrow I have a date with some dinosaurs.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Finished ... and breathe...

Sooooo.... I have finished all the sewing for the show tomorrow - or later on, as again I find myself up and awake at 4:00am. I really looking forward to the show and hope to see you all there! I'm going to be in the corner with a large glass of wine ... maybe in an easy chair, I wish - I will probably actually be running around trying to fix something that may or may not go wrong, but whatever happens I'll be dancing at some point ... and drinking, and eating the cheese sandwiches that Maria has just made for the Flutterbydaisy staff lol :)
So when I checked my email to see how many tickes have been sold I had been sent this illustration and I
adore it :) it's by Clare Heart...
Now, I have to sleep as I have to wake up in a couple of hours to go buy lots of black fabric to make a curtain at the venue, then I have a man with a catwalk waiting for me at the Dome ... then we have to make everything pretty. Ok, so I'm going to be the one at the back in the corner having a little nap.... *goodnight*

Monday, 1 March 2010

Flutterbydaisy 'Fairytale Finds' Shop Additions #1

On auction now ... in my Fairytale Finds' shop you can find on my website: