Thursday, 22 December 2011

Daisy Daisy, la la la lala la... and all those birds

... I got me a bike ...
... Then I went for a ride around ...

... She comes from here : ...

... and was delivered by two Xmas Elves ...

... Then I was happy ...

Tales from The Treehouse

I couldn't sleep, even though I made new feathers for my nest. It was just the same as the past time when I could only sleep as your parrot, like that poem I wrote you, but this time I'm the bird girl; He landed in my garden, I wanted to feed him but every time I got too close he flew away. Always the same, always birds, sparrows and nests... why? because all those flutters they make make me happy, but don't talk about their cages, they don't like that... even if the cages are as big as the world and more beautiful. This is all I've learned about my birds... that and I probably couldn't be happy without them, in that case I'd probably become one.

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