Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A Tale of Two Witches...

Mirror Mirror on the wall... Two new Black and Gold dresses

photographed by Hanna Daisy : www.facebook.com/hannahdaisyphotography
now in my Etsy shop : www.flutterbydaisy.etsy.com

I had a little sleep that lasted a couple of days, it wasn't like in the fairy stories though; there was no-one leaping from the wings transferring a spotlight or anything. It was more like the radio downstairs got louder... or my alarm worked... or my dream was a bit too freaky to stay in... or I was a bit too freaky for my dream to keep me. So I managed a biscuit breakfast and came back upstairs where the internet stole me and still is ...

I became obsessed with 'lookbook' and made a profile : http://lookbook.nu/flutterbydaisy

...tomorrow I will be productive; work on the Garden Party dresses for the shoot Wednesday with Mike Blowman... looking forward to seeing the Tea Party shots from O-Ten Photography and the Self Portrait Bird Dress series from Danniella Jaine... I also have a magic dress on it's way to me which I can wait to get into... I'm not tired yet but I'll sleep now, because I should.

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