Sunday, 8 November 2009

A Sign

Sometimes ... there are magpies outside my window.
The crows and I like to watch them.
(I count 14 ... you?)


Anonymous said...

I love magpies. We always had them around where I grew up. My parents told us they were dirty pests...I miss them now. They didn't make it over the Rocky Mountains to where I reside now. At least we still have the crows, and the ravens when we venture into the woods.

iaxe393 said...

one for sadness two for joy- 14 for?

Figure 2 said...

Magpies steal stuff and - by all accounts - aren't the most socially appealing of birds. Still, rather dashing with those flashes of white which probably make the crows jealous...

Natanya Louise Waybourne said...

I love them too now... I used to be afraid of them because of the rhyme and because i was an incredibly superstitious child. Now they intrigue me... and inspired my book.
7 for a secret never to be told: I think 14 is definitely for lots of secrets...
Magpies only steal shiney things; everyone loves shiney things :) and if I was a crow I would be jealous of them for sure ... if I was a robbin however, maybe not so much.