Thursday, 20 August 2009

Tea, buns and vampires with Stephanie

Today I am 5.
I thought I'd sit and play with the butterflies before Stephanie arrives ... I'll pretend I'm anywhere apart from here... and then when she knocks at the door I will get under the bed ... shhhhhh : hide and seek...

Then She came... with buns! - yum!
We have to figure out her website where she will be selling pretty handmade candles ... she makes other lovely stuff too... called 'The Moonchild Garden' and as soon as we have finished the website I'll post the link - you must check it out as it will be lush ; as I said we are being fuelled by tea and cake.
Gossips a plenty followed by the first eppisode of True Blood (I'm trying to turn everyone I know) ...indeed

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